Saturday 6 September 2014

Dua : An Informal Communication with Allah swt

Duas or Supplications are informal prayers that need no proper steps to follow or a place. It’s a casual discussion between a Lord Allah swt with His mankind. No wait for proper time or a call, you can make a dua at anywhere as mentioned  earlier. There are number of Islamic Duas that are recommended to say at different occasions. Just incase to have extra blessings from Allah swt. An app developed by is Kids Dua Now that provides you numerous duas along with there meanings and references.

Allahu Akbar

The names of Allah and Prophet Muhammad PBUH are of great significance not only to utter but in understanding as well. The particular name is a dua that we do recite while heading towards heights by keep this in our hearts the creator of this is greatest of all.

Dua to Greet A Person

In Muslims when ever we start conversation with someone it should start with some greeting words and the best greeting is Asalam-o-Alikum, which means may the Peace of Allah be upon your. These are not only words but itself a great supplication that we make for others and in-return get numerous blessing.

Dua for Ablution

It is recommended for Muslims to go for ablution before conducting any formal prayers like Salat, to attend Friday’s gathering and Much more. It is a process of purification that is performed by following few steps given. To know proper steps for ablution do have kids wudu series.

Dua to Left House

During our life time there comes number of events when we need to left home for some time. It is in our minds that we start to get worry about security and many other reasons even though we lock it properly. The best safety lock is a dua that we make while leaving our home and ask Allah for the protection Who is indeed a best Protector.

Dua to Enter House

When we left home, we ask Allah for the His blessings now when we are back we should be thankful to Him for the protection. It is also recommended to say greeting words even entering empty home because we know that there are number of other creation of Allah to whom we can’t see but they exist.

Dua to Sleep

This is one of the greatest blessing of Allah swt that He grants us a nap every night so day we start every new with a new start. When we sleep it is our temporary death that ends after a nap. This is to make human mind fresh to perform daily routine tasks.

All the above mentioned duas and many other are of great worth. We should add them in our lives to become a better human being and closest person to our Lord Allah swt. May His Mercy be upon us all the time and give us strength to follow His path with great will power.  

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