Friday 5 September 2014

Allah-Ho-Akbar in contrast with the Biggest thing of the Universe

There are 99 names of Allah swt that we Muslims utter at different moments for various reasons. Like the name Allah-ho-Akbar is recited when heading upward on the stairs or any other slope. Do you ever think about the name and its significance??  The literal meaning of  Allah-ho-Akbar is Allah is the biggest, or a chief. But according to what parameter we said He is the biggest.

One of the biggest things that we see is an ocean from an airplane’s window, when there is water and water everywhere till our sight. Is this the biggest thing?? No, because the Sky, that we see is also very big, a big enough that we never saw its edges.  Again  the same question is this the biggest thing in the universe??? Answer is again in negative because we know that Sun is bigger then the earth and it continues to VY Canis Majoris (red hyper giant).

VY Canis Majoris against Sun
If we compare it in terms of diameter to sun, then it is 2000 times lager then the sun and about 2,800,000,000km in diameters. If you want to imagine how big this star is then, image our milky way, if we place VY Canis Majoris between a sun and the earth then there will be nothing but a VY canis majoris. This is the largest most start that we find until now in our milky way and there are number of other to what we are unaware of.

The above fee lines are short description about biggest things in the universe and there might be million more that we can’t see or seen until now. Allah is the one who is the creator of all such things. Now imagine again how big He is, not only in terms of size but in powers as well. We need to rethink about what we say with some context then it will have better impact on our lives and actions.

Similarly, there are number of Islamic duas that we need to recite against different tasks performed on daily bases. The verses will have greater impact when we will be aware of their meanings and purpose why to recite them . An application Kids Dua now is developed by that features numerous Islamic duas from Quran with an exceptional feature of verses word by word.

The religion Islam and its teachings are very simple and clear but we need to do is, to give them some time. To Learn and to understand  the purpose of its revelation. May Allah bless us All with a heart that can grasp Allah teachings and then to adopt them in their actions. 

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