Saturday 6 September 2014

Dua : An Informal Communication with Allah swt

Duas or Supplications are informal prayers that need no proper steps to follow or a place. It’s a casual discussion between a Lord Allah swt with His mankind. No wait for proper time or a call, you can make a dua at anywhere as mentioned  earlier. There are number of Islamic Duas that are recommended to say at different occasions. Just incase to have extra blessings from Allah swt. An app developed by is Kids Dua Now that provides you numerous duas along with there meanings and references.

Allahu Akbar

The names of Allah and Prophet Muhammad PBUH are of great significance not only to utter but in understanding as well. The particular name is a dua that we do recite while heading towards heights by keep this in our hearts the creator of this is greatest of all.

Dua to Greet A Person

In Muslims when ever we start conversation with someone it should start with some greeting words and the best greeting is Asalam-o-Alikum, which means may the Peace of Allah be upon your. These are not only words but itself a great supplication that we make for others and in-return get numerous blessing.

Dua for Ablution

It is recommended for Muslims to go for ablution before conducting any formal prayers like Salat, to attend Friday’s gathering and Much more. It is a process of purification that is performed by following few steps given. To know proper steps for ablution do have kids wudu series.

Dua to Left House

During our life time there comes number of events when we need to left home for some time. It is in our minds that we start to get worry about security and many other reasons even though we lock it properly. The best safety lock is a dua that we make while leaving our home and ask Allah for the protection Who is indeed a best Protector.

Dua to Enter House

When we left home, we ask Allah for the His blessings now when we are back we should be thankful to Him for the protection. It is also recommended to say greeting words even entering empty home because we know that there are number of other creation of Allah to whom we can’t see but they exist.

Dua to Sleep

This is one of the greatest blessing of Allah swt that He grants us a nap every night so day we start every new with a new start. When we sleep it is our temporary death that ends after a nap. This is to make human mind fresh to perform daily routine tasks.

All the above mentioned duas and many other are of great worth. We should add them in our lives to become a better human being and closest person to our Lord Allah swt. May His Mercy be upon us all the time and give us strength to follow His path with great will power.  

Friday 5 September 2014

Allah-Ho-Akbar in contrast with the Biggest thing of the Universe

There are 99 names of Allah swt that we Muslims utter at different moments for various reasons. Like the name Allah-ho-Akbar is recited when heading upward on the stairs or any other slope. Do you ever think about the name and its significance??  The literal meaning of  Allah-ho-Akbar is Allah is the biggest, or a chief. But according to what parameter we said He is the biggest.

One of the biggest things that we see is an ocean from an airplane’s window, when there is water and water everywhere till our sight. Is this the biggest thing?? No, because the Sky, that we see is also very big, a big enough that we never saw its edges.  Again  the same question is this the biggest thing in the universe??? Answer is again in negative because we know that Sun is bigger then the earth and it continues to VY Canis Majoris (red hyper giant).

VY Canis Majoris against Sun
If we compare it in terms of diameter to sun, then it is 2000 times lager then the sun and about 2,800,000,000km in diameters. If you want to imagine how big this star is then, image our milky way, if we place VY Canis Majoris between a sun and the earth then there will be nothing but a VY canis majoris. This is the largest most start that we find until now in our milky way and there are number of other to what we are unaware of.

The above fee lines are short description about biggest things in the universe and there might be million more that we can’t see or seen until now. Allah is the one who is the creator of all such things. Now imagine again how big He is, not only in terms of size but in powers as well. We need to rethink about what we say with some context then it will have better impact on our lives and actions.

Similarly, there are number of Islamic duas that we need to recite against different tasks performed on daily bases. The verses will have greater impact when we will be aware of their meanings and purpose why to recite them . An application Kids Dua now is developed by that features numerous Islamic duas from Quran with an exceptional feature of verses word by word.

The religion Islam and its teachings are very simple and clear but we need to do is, to give them some time. To Learn and to understand  the purpose of its revelation. May Allah bless us All with a heart that can grasp Allah teachings and then to adopt them in their actions. 

Monday 18 August 2014

Greatest Verse of Quran – Ayatul Kursi

Learn Ayatul Kursi, an application by featuring the great verse of the Throne from Quran, chapter 2 Al-Bakara. The particular application is designed especially for kids and hence given with stunning color combinations and dazzling graphics. App is a combination of various valuable features that can help your kids in learning Ayatul Kursi in a better way. It is available to download for platforms, Android and iPhone and links to download are given below.

As stated above application is a combination of various useful features to teach your kids about the great verse of the Throne, Ayatul Kursi. Details about them are discussed below.
  1. Application provides you verse of Ayatul Kursi with word to word transliterations, translation and audio to listen. This is a great help in getting in-depth knowledge about each word of Surah along with its meanings.
  2. It also encloses knowledge about verse to verse transliterations, translation and audio for recitation, that is recorded by an expert recitals. It helps you in getting proper knowledge about reciting complete dua in a flow.
  3. Application also encloses a list of benefits that Allah SWT promised against recitation.
  4. Customization of application is also available in the app, settings includes change app theme, change font size etc… 

Wednesday 6 August 2014

A Time to Think About Huge Changes

Islam today is facing numerous challenges some within Islam and other from the wider world. The biggest problem is the fundamental tension that is arising within Islam. The criticism from the outer world might be ignored as misguide, but the tension within religion needs to confront. This is happening due to our mistakes, we have least time for our religion and still we think ourselves as a master. This should be the foremost priority  for parents to teach their kids about Islam and keep an eye upon their daily activities. This is the time when we have to prepare our kids to fight against misleading information’s that might take them to worst directions.

To educate your kids, take guidelines from internet, authentic books and the foremost book is Quran Al- Kareem. This is a vast ocean of information and whenever and after how long you dive you will get something new that opens new doors of thoughts. Now number of Islamic apps are also present on different app stores that are compose on authentic information and a way better for learning. Some developers are known for their works and keep on improving day by day like A platform that come up with online teachings of Quran and now growing rapidly in the field of Islamic applications. Some of there famous applications are Find Qibla Direction and Muslim Dua series that have more then 50,000 download per month and improving day by day with user feedbacks.

Recently they come up with a series of application developed especially for kids featuring Quran verses with word to word recitation for better understanding and proper guideline about tajweed rules. Applications include Kids Dua Now, anapplication contains islamic dua for kids they need to recite throughout a day. The other is Learn Dua-e-Quran an application about witr prayer dua that we need to recite everyday in Isha prayer for the whole year, and Learn Ayatul Kursi that features great verse of the Throne along with list of benefits upon recitation of this beautiful Surah.

This is the demand of time to prepare your kids about future so your kids should not be victim of false information or wrong perceptions.

Monday 4 August 2014

The Purpose of our Life to Be Obedient of Allah SWT

This doesn’t matter how much wisdom  we have, to request Allah for guidance towards righteous path, whatever the field or activity we are taking after. To continuously seeking Allah’s guidance is a way to keep us close to our Lord and a mean to be a pious servant of Allah SWT. This is the surest road to success, in this world and the next, and to keep you away from false methods and duplicitous approach of the astray devils. Although they seems attractive but ends with worst results.

Islam put great emphases on making supplications, Allah SWT like the most, when His creature seeks for His blessing even a smaller one. Dua-e-Qunoot is one of the supplications that we recite daily in our witr prayers throughout a year. The literal meaning of Qunoot is to be obedient, and the words used in it are best to request our Lord Allah for his mercy and blessing upon us. As explain earlier about great significance of Dua -e-Qunoot in witr prayers, it is important to teach your kids about this dua so they can recite it in their prayers. To learn or to get knowledge about Islam or any other field of life is not a big issue anymore with advancement in technology. Just go online an get numerous Islamic apps placed at different app stores. One of similar application developed by is Learn Dua-e-Qunoot. Details about application are given after download links for the application.

Let us discuss about application in details, along with description about some of its features.

Interactive Interface
Application is developed especially for kids and it is given with bright and elegant color combinations and stunning graphics that is a source of attraction for kids while learning. Numerous features are also available in application to provide best guidance regarding reading and understanding of Qurani verses.

Dua with word to word
The one of the valuable features of application is Dua-e-Qunoot word by word, in which you will be given with transliterations, translation and recitation of each word. This will help your kids in knowing proper pronunciation of each word along with its meaning. When you get enough understanding you can then shift to full dua.

Full Dua
Full Dua tab provides you dua in the form of verse to verse. Each verse is given with its transliterations, translation and recitation recorded by expert recitals. This feature of application is to provide your kids understanding about connection between words and recitation of Dua in a full.

Benefits of Dua-e-Qunoot
Allah SWT always blesses His creatures with countless blessing and ready to give more and more against their good deeds. Similarly, recitation of Quran Surahs with full heart is also a great way of getting numerous blessings. Application Learn Dua Qunoot, provides you list of benefits selected after a huge search and placed in a feature named benefits.

App Customization
The offer to modify your app is always like a treat, the given application also provides you an option to customize your app screen the way your kids like or want. Customizations available are changing of theme, font size, enable or disable autoplay and much more.

Get this beautiful application to teach your kids in a proper manner about Quranic verses, without worrying about wifi connections or timings. 

Thursday 24 July 2014

Dua for Kids – A Journey of Blessings

Muslim religion is the great because it replies to all kind of problems that we face during life time. Quran is the Holy Book and it is  complete guidance for mankind till day of judgment. Being parents it you are worry or upset about your kids that they are not good enough and facing some unconditional problems. Then you should tell them about number of Duas present in Quran that will give them a boost and power to fight back.

As time passes, technology is growing rapidly and every new day we come up with different perspective of viewing things. Similarly, the time is over when parents need to worry for their kid’s education, especially related to religion. Now your smart devices, Smartphone and similar devices are much better tutors then someone you prefer earlier. Just get different Islamic applications to teach your kids about Islam with a convenience. is a platform that working hard to develop applications basedon Islamic education and recently they develop a series of Applications for kids with beautiful and stunning graphics.
Let have a look at one develop for Islamic Duas for kids.

Kids Dua Now
This is an application developed by featuring Kids Dua for different tasks they do perform throughout a day. All the given Dua for Kids are gather after a huge search rather placing only to increase quantity. The particular application is great combination of quantity and a quality. Furthermore, application divides all kids dua in three different categories on the bases of their age groups. Each group contains numerous Dua for kids to learn along with different features to help them while learning.

The application is provided with decent bright color along with dazzling graphics, this is to give your kids a better learning environment and feasible conditions for you to make learning fast and effective. Let continue with some details about different features available in the application.

Duas with Word by Word  
The particular application provides all verses in two different modes of learning one is word by word. In this version of learning verses are given with chunks of words. Transliterations, translation and recitation of each word is also provided in order to have proper understanding about dua for kids in Quran. This mode will teach your kids about pronunciation of individual word and also its recitation according to tajweed rules.

Full Dua
The another beautiful feature of application and a mode of learning in which each dua given with graphical representations depicting purpose of duas. Transliterations, translation and recitation of Full Dua is also given to provide you guidance about reading complete dua in a flow and how to connect two Arabic words. This modes is good to learn recitation of full dua with tajweed.

Application is a great tutor for Islamic duas not only for your kids but for you aswell.

Also Read : Quran Surahs a Shield Against Evil Spirits

Monday 7 July 2014

Quran Surahs a Shield Against Evil Spirits

Quran is the divine book of knowledge that was revealed on Prophet Muhammad PBUH. This is the true source of guidance for people around the world till day of judgment. Each Surah of Quran has its own significance and we can use them for our betterment. Like 4 Quls, the very Last Surahs of Quran known as protecting Surahs. To get proper understanding about Quls and many other Short Surahs of Quran you can use an Islamic application named Last Ten Surahs. The particular application is for free of cost and available for platforms Android and iPhone.

The 4 Quls are protecting Surahs as stated before, where Surah Al-Kafiroun and Surah Ikhlas is a protection from shirk and Surah Al-Falaq and An-Naas is a protection from envy and magic. All four Surahs started with the word Qul means ‘says’.

Let now continue with few benefits promised against recitation of these beautiful Surahs.

Surah Ikhlas
Surah Ikhlas is one of the great Surah of Quran in which Allah explained some of His attributes like He is the one, the Eternal Refuge, He has no child and Himself not a child of anyone and no one is parallel to Him. This particular Surah  is a source of huge blessings like forgiveness from sins, home in paradise and to become a beloved man of Allah.
Hazrat Anas ( R.A ) has reported the saying of Prophet Muhammad PBUH that,
"If anyone who is about to sleep on his bed lies on his right side, then recited Al-Ikhlas 100 times, Allah will say to him on the Day of the resurrection, 'My slave, enter Paradise to your right side.'" (Tirmidhi)
Surah An-Naas
Surah An- Naas another great Surah of Quran that is a protection against evil spirits and different deceases. In this Surah Allah explained that He is the king of mankind, the ruler of this world. While reciting this particular we seek refuge in Allah against all envy.

Hazrat A’isha (R.A) reported that whenever the Prophet PBUH became sick, he would recite Surahs combination of Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas and then blow his breath over his body. When he became seriously ill, I used to recite (these two Surahs) and rub his hands over his body hoping for its blessings.[Sahih al-Bukhari 6:61 #535]

Thursday 3 July 2014

Islamic Apps for Muslims – A Guide and a Teacher

Smartphone and tablets are like additional wings to us, through which we can share our information, wants, needs and connect to different people around the world. Smart apps get hype in minimum amount of time and people attracts towards them with great response. It cover numerous topics from utility app for our workplace, to the fitness guru. Some deal with huge information like different Islamic apps, that enriched our living styles. Below is a link to an ocean of stunning Islamic apps developed by

Now, the post will continue with various useful apps, a continues blessing throughout a day.

 Muslim Dua Series
Duas or supplications are the best way to interact with our Lord Allah. If this interaction continue for a whole day then we can earn plenty of blessings that we are missing. Muslim Dua Series is a collection of duas related to daily tasks and some belongs to special Islamic events. All supplications are added after a huge search and categories properly to have an ease of access. You can have this beautiful application for Android and iPhone without any cost. Below are the download links:

6 Kalma of Islam
Islam is the name of various beliefs and faiths that are elementary part of our religion. The most important and entry point in the circle of Islam are Islamic Kalimas through which we claim it by heart and mouth that there is no God but Allah and Prophet Muhammad PBUH is the last messenger of Allah. The Islamic application 6 Kalma of Islam is a beautiful application to let you know about true recitation of verses and to have better understanding of each Kalma. Links to get this stunning Kalma series are as following

Islamic Calendar
The another beautiful application by, features two different calendars the Hijri  and the Gregorian. The app provides you the month view of both calendars on the same screen along with different highlighters for your ease. You can also convert particular date to any version. Furthermore, it also provides you a list of Islamic events to help in preparation. Links to download this useful tool are as following:

Lunar Calendar for Android | Lunar Calendar for iPhone

Kids Dua Now
Recently comes up with a series of applications especially for kids contains two different modes of learning. One of them is Kids Dua Now, the application provides you list of supplication that a kid should recite at different occasion of a day. It divides the whole app into three different sections on the bases of kids ages and the best part is each dua is given with its authentic reference. To get this particular application use the links given below for Android and iPhone.

Kids Dua Now for Android | Kids Dua Now for iPhone

Learn Ayatul Kursi
Another beautiful application from the series of kids applications. That is featuring the great verse of Throne with word to word recitation and full Surah. These two different modes of learning are given with two different tabs that made learning process easy. Application also encloses list of benefits that are promised against recitation of particular Surah. Furthermore, it contains transliterations, translation against each word and verse in respective tabs. To get this valuable applications for kids do visit the given below links.

Learn Ayatul Kursi Word By Word with Android 
Learn Ayatul Kursi Word By Word with iPhone

4 Qul for Kids
Mostly we experience our parents do worry about protection of small kids from evil spirit or black magic kind of things. The best prevention against all such stupid things is in Quran and more precisely in 4 Quls. Last four Surahs of Quran are famous as Surahs of protection and they also have number of references. 4 Qul for Kids is an application to teach your kids about these Surahs with word to word recitations. Don't waste time and get this beautiful application for your kids protection. Links to download are given below for both Android and iPhone.
4 Qul for Kids Using Android | 4 Qul for Kids Using iPhone 

Monday 31 March 2014


Labon par uske kabhi bad’dua nahin hoti,
Bas ek maa hai jo kabhi khafa nahin hoti.
Iss tarah mere gunaahon ko woh dho deti hai,
Maa bahut gusse mein hoti hai toh ro deti hai.
Maine rote hue ponchhe the kisi din aansoo,
Muddaton maa ne nahin dhoya dupatta apna.
Abhi zinda hai maa meri mujhe kuchh bhi nahin hoga,
Main jab ghar se nikalta hun dua bhi saath chalti hai.
Jab bhi kashti meri sailaab mein aa jaati hai,
Maa dua karti hui khwaab mein aa jaati hai. !!