This doesn’t matter how much wisdom we have, to request Allah for guidance towards
righteous path, whatever the field or activity we are taking after. To
continuously seeking Allah’s guidance is a way to keep us close to our Lord and
a mean to be a pious servant of Allah SWT. This is the surest road to success,
in this world and the next, and to keep you away from false methods and duplicitous
approach of the astray devils. Although they seems attractive but ends with
worst results.

Islam put
great emphases on making supplications, Allah SWT like the most, when His
creature seeks for His blessing even a smaller one. Dua-e-Qunoot is one of the
supplications that we recite daily in our witr prayers throughout a year. The
literal meaning of Qunoot is to be obedient, and the words used in it are best
to request our Lord Allah for his mercy and blessing upon us. As explain
earlier about great significance of Dua -e-Qunoot in witr prayers, it is
important to teach your kids about this dua so they can recite it in their
prayers. To learn or to get knowledge about Islam or any other field of life is
not a big issue anymore with advancement in technology. Just go online an get
numerous Islamic apps placed at different app stores. One of similar
application developed by is Learn Dua-e-Qunoot. Details about
application are given after download links for the application.

Let us discuss about application in details, along with
description about some of its features.
is developed especially for kids and it is given with bright and elegant color
combinations and stunning graphics that is a source of attraction for kids
while learning. Numerous features are also available in application to provide
best guidance regarding reading and understanding of Qurani verses.
Dua with word to word
The one of
the valuable features of application is Dua-e-Qunoot word by word, in which you
will be given with transliterations, translation and recitation of each word.
This will help your kids in knowing proper pronunciation of each word along
with its meaning. When you get enough understanding you can then shift to full
Full Dua
Full Dua
tab provides you dua in the form of verse to verse. Each verse is given with
its transliterations, translation and recitation recorded by expert recitals.
This feature of application is to provide your kids understanding about
connection between words and recitation of Dua in a full.
Benefits of Dua-e-Qunoot
Allah SWT
always blesses His creatures with countless blessing and ready to give more and
more against their good deeds. Similarly, recitation of Quran Surahs with full
heart is also a great way of getting numerous blessings. Application Learn Dua
Qunoot, provides you list of benefits selected after a huge search and placed
in a feature named benefits.
App Customization
The offer
to modify your app is always like a treat, the given application also provides
you an option to customize your app screen the way your kids like or want.
Customizations available are changing of theme, font size, enable or disable
autoplay and much more.
Get this
beautiful application to teach your kids in a proper manner about Quranic
verses, without worrying about wifi connections or timings.